Member Directory

Showcase your member

An optional member directory helps members stay connected

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Provide your members with an optional member directory

Integrated with your MembershipMate CRM so information is always in sync

    • Showcase your members with a company description, logo, website, email, and social networking sites.
    • Information is auto-populated from your CRM database based on your preferences.
    • Promote member events on your organization website.
    • Organize members into customizable categories to make it easy for the community to find them.

    Getting Started is Easy

    Once your member data is entered in the CRM, simply enable the Directory
    on your website. Voila!

    Get Started ➔

    One tool to track your membership, create a website and communicate with your members

    With MembershipMate, You get...

    Member Management

    Automate membership renewals, registrations and payments.

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    Contact Management

    Manage all individuals, members and organizations in your database.

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    Communications Hub

    Enhance member experience with unlimited personalized email and text communications.

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    New Member Prospecting

    Track and close new member sales opportunities and recruitment.

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    Website Solution

    Grow your online presence and enhance credibility with a modern, responsive website that you can update yourself.

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    membership Directory

    Help your members connect with each other with an automated member directory.

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    Integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks to process one-time and recurring payments.

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    Showcase your organizations events with an automated live calendar.

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