Member Prospecting

Track potential new member
opportunities with ease

Track and close new member
sales opportunities.

Get Started Today

30-day free trial – no credit card required
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Grow your membership and increase revenue

Track potential membership, sponsorship or other revenue-generating opportunities

    • Keep all of your information in one place. Track all of your communications, calls, tasks, and timelines.
    • Create to-do’s, follow up reminders, and email communications.
    • Track by progress, probability to close, sales stage, and referral.

    All of your communication tools in one place

      • All sales related materials can be stored in one place for easy access and communication.
      • Build and schedule email campaigns to keep your prospects engaged, saving your staff time. .
      • Automation tools allow you to set up programs to target prospects at the right time/

      Getting Started is Easy

      Decide on your objectives and start tracking your tasks and opportunities

      Get Started ➔

      One tool to track your membership, create a website and communicate with your members

      With MembershipMate, You get...

      Member Management

      Automate membership renewals, registrations and payments.

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      Contact Management

      Manage all individuals, members and organizations in your database.

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      Communications Hub

      Enhance member experience with unlimited personalized email and text communications.

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      New Member Prospecting

      Track and close new member sales opportunities and recruitment.

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      Website Solution

      Grow your online presence and enhance credibility with a modern, responsive website that you can update yourself.

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      membership Directory

      Help your members connect with each other with an automated member directory.

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      Integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks to process one-time and recurring payments.

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      Showcase your organizations events with an automated live calendar.

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